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Avyang Foundation

We believe that every individual deserves dignity, respect, and care, regardless of their age or circumstances. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for destitute individuals and elderly people who are abandoned, neglected, or unable to care for themselves.

Our Mission

We aim to create an inclusive community where everyone feels valued and loved, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

What We Offer

Safe and Comfortable Accommodation

We offer a safe and comfortable living space for destitute individuals and elderly people. Our facility is designed to meet their specific needs, ensuring their safety, security, and comfort.

Nutritious Meals

We provide nutritious meals to ensure that all residents receive balanced and healthy diet. Our dedicated team of cooks prepares delicious meals while considering individual dietary requirements.

Healthcare and Medication

The health and well-being of our residents is of utmost importance. We have medical professionals and caregivers on staff to provide regular health check-ups, administer medication, and address any medical concerns promptly.

Emotional Support

We understand the importance of emotional well-being. Our compassionate staff and volunteers offer emotional support and companionship to our residents, creating a warm and caring environment.

Recreational Activities

We believe in promoting an active and engaging lifestyle. We organize various recreational activities such as group outings, games, cultural events, and hobby classes to keep our residents mentally stimulated and socially connected.

Rehabilitation Programs

For individuals who are able and willing to reintegrate into society, we provide rehabilitation programs aimed at empowering them with skills and resources necessary for independent living.

Our Supporters

Success Stories

Life Transformation at Avyang